H.C.C.O is your independent broker for raw materials
We guarantee with our experience and neutrality the best consultancy for clients and suppliers. In addition, H.C.C.O strives for trustful relationships with its clients and focuses on personalized services.
Our Team is
our strength
H.C.C.O is a family-run company with decades of experience in raw materials trading. With its core competencies, the team covers all areas of the value chain.
is self-evident
for us
H.C.C.O cooperates with sustainably producing cooperatives in the origin and supports various projects in developing countries. We are convinced that only the sustainable cultivation of raw materials has a long-term future.
Daily Price List & Market Report
Our market report informs you daily and comprehensively in brief format about all important developments in the physical cocoa trade and commodity futures markets in London and New York.
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