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H.C.C.O promotes
sustainability and
thereby supports
the cocoa farmers

Through certification and as an active
member of different associations H.C.C.O helps in the origin

Good Agricultural Practises

More and more farmers are opting for certification in sustainability projects in order to meet the requirements of sustainability, market their cocoa more profitably and thereby increase their livelihood income.

With our daily work, it is an absolute concern of ours to take our responsibility towards the people in the growing countries seriously. We are therefore committed to the cultivation of sustainable cocoa in various areas and support cooperatives that cultivate cocoa transparently, under "good agricultural practices" and avoiding harmful child labour.

is self-evident
for us

H.C.C.O cooperates with sustainably producing cooperatives in the origin and supports various projects in developing countries. We are convinced that only the sustainable cultivation of raw materials has a long-term future.

Social projects

We see ourselves as the link between our clients and these cooperatives and facilitate the setup of partnerships. We supervise not only the sourcing of cocoa beans but also various social development projects of various kinds.

We are also involved in associations and associations dedicated to the sustainable trade and cultivation of cocoa. As a founding member of the German Initiative for Sustainable Cocoa  (GISCO), H.C.C.O supports initiatives to improve the living conditions of cocoa farmers and to increase the quality and quantity of cocoa cultivation. The farmers in the selected cooperatives are trained and professionalized. In addition, attention is paid to the sustainable cultivation of cocoa. Sustainable cocoa farming and the preservation of biodiversity, the prevention of deforestation and the protection of local nature are the primary goals of GISCO.
